About metafora

Metafora memungkinkan penulis untuk menyentuh hati dan pikiran pembaca sehingga dapat membawa mereka ke dalam dunia yang diciptakan oleh kata-kata. 

Right here’s a suggestion: A useless metaphor is a cliché that has become so commonplace that the imagery has lost its electric power. Examples of lifeless metaphors include things like: “raining cats and canine,” “throw the baby out Using the bathwater,” and “coronary heart of gold.”

Cuando el agua del mar se calienta a un nivel que estresa a los corales, por ejemplo durante una ola de calor marino, el coral expulsa la colorida planta y se vuelve blanco.

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Explicación: se trata de una metáfora de complemento preposicional en la que se asocian dos términos a través de la preposición del

Mediante las metáforas podemos entender mejor emociones o conceptos que nos parecen difíciles, pues la metáfora puede describir algo por analogía o semejanza cuando la asociamos con otro concepto.

“Pasó por el anochecer de sus recuerdos”: Implícitamente se relaciona la oscuridad de la noche con la pérdida de recuerdos.

A metaphor can be a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t practically legitimate, but assists describe an thought or generate a comparison.

Primerjalna teorija metafore ima svoje korenine prav tako v antiki, pri Aristotelu, Ciceronu in Kvintilijanu. Podobno kot Aristotel je tudi Ciceron zatrdil, da je metafora velik okras govora. Njegov učenec Kvintilijan je o metafori pisal v osmi knjigi svojega obsežnega dela Institutionis oratoriae in bil prav tako prepričan, da metafora zapolnjuje leksikalno praznino ali pa je v funkciji stilnega okrasa. Metaforo je imel za najlepši trop in dar narave, obenem pa je posvaril, da pogosta raba metafor lahko povzroči nejasnost govora, da je potrebno paziti na ustreznost metafor, da morajo delovati naravno in ne smejo biti vulgarne.

Although metaphors can be considered to be "in" language, Underhill's chapter on French, English and ethnolinguistics demonstrates that language or languages can not be conceived of in nearly anything apart from metaphoric conditions.

“Sus labios son rubíes”: Se establece la clara relación entre los labios de la persona y los rubíes que son rojos y preciosos.

: a determine of speech in which a word or phrase which means 1 sort of item or notion is utilised rather than One more to advise a similarity involving them (as from the ship plows The ocean

It is additionally identified that 'a border among metaphor and analogy is fuzzy' and 'the difference between them is likely to be explained (metaphorically) as the distance between issues being compared'.[This quotation demands a citation]

A speaker can place Thoughts or objects into containers, and after that send out them alongside a conduit to your listener who gets rid of the object from your container for making this means of it. Therefore, conversation is something which Strategies go into, and the container is separate in the Tips by themselves. Lakoff and Johnson give various samples of each day metaphors in use, together with "argument is war" more info and "time is money". Metaphors are extensively used in context to describe personalized meaning. The authors propose that conversation can be viewed for a device: "Conversation will not be what one does Using the device, but could be the equipment by itself."[32]

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